"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered." G.K. Chesterton

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Equal Opportunity and NOT Della Street!

Who would have thought a little trail grooming would have made that much difference?
Lester River trail groomed Tuesday night resulted in a 25% overall speed reduction, and a 50% increase in effort.
For the first time since Christmas I was reduced to walking several hills.
Oh well . . . suck it up and get over it.   done . . .

Equal Opportunity!
It's been really great seeing others on the trail.  Of special note, the women! I know of one gal who has been on that trail a number of times, including yesterday.  I dare say, yesterday's ride was one of the toughest of the last 12 months, plain and simple.

Not Della Street
A snap of my daughter Claire before her first mock trial meet on 19 Jan. 
As an attorney for the defense, perhaps she should represent her sister in that Dartmouth flare fashion case of early January . . .
You be the judge

(for those younger or less informed readers:  Della Street was Perry Mason's secretary)


  1. It would seem that you are doing a great job with those kids and thatz the test of a good man...Bravo old man

  2. Weren't they nice and crispy today Rich?

    Who's Perry Mason?
