"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered." G.K. Chesterton

Friday, February 12, 2010

Attack of the Snow Snakes 2

After four days of no riding due to a slight cold, I was really looking forward to today! 
Then:  Again . . . while minding my own business . . .  the attack of the snow snake!
Yikes!  then, bummer . . . it was a good thing I had 12+ miles of walking practice at TUSCOBIA or I may not have survived.
Thank you to all my good friends who came to my aide, and whisked me home to safety (even to those of you who did not answer my call of distress.)
I can only look forward to tomorrow . . . and of early Sunday morn, meeting in the murky shadows of the Billy Irvin.
I do wonder:  Why can I ride over 10,000 miles in 12 months on O1 (single speed road bike) without a vicious attack of this sort, but can only manage some 600 miles on O2?

1 comment:

  1. What up with the snakes? You been watchin too many Indiana Jones movies?
