"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered." G.K. Chesterton

Monday, March 29, 2010

to all the Doubting Thomas'

In a feeble attempt to avoid copyright violations:
from Lacrosse magazine:  January 2010
After an evening at the Twins, Eki thinks he may have enough "stuff" churning in his stomach to convert fruit directly into vinegar:
Hatcher thinks the whole idea somewhat disgusting and repulsive:
While our own J Buffington wonders: "Perhaps there is something to this?"
Laugh all you will Boys 
I relish the opportunity!
What we learned from this epic day:
1) There is a difference between a journalist and a photo journalist
2) After a somewhat a inauspicious mid portion, this is a route that can and should be repeated!  Well done Buffington
3) Nearly any derailleur problem can be repaired with a quick dunk in a water filled ditch.


  1. 4: Buffington clearly says "plastic" when asked his bagging preference at Mount Royal.

  2. 1) I can't believe you posted my picture before my patent is registered on my new line of "Hefty Rain Gear"
    2) Fine Rich, we believe you on the mustard thing. In fact, why not combine the Vinegar and water together, I think Massengill's has a product just for you.
