"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered." G.K. Chesterton

Thursday, January 28, 2010

No Illusions

First and foremost, I got into the Trans Iowa this week. I have no illusions (insert laugh track here) about this epic event. My goal is quite simply to have a great time with the instigators . . . and help one of them win. Simple as that . . .
I know most people have no idea what I do when I'm not on my bike.
For those who care (maybe one person somewhere?) ... a quick video of this week's project:

This was a demonstration project for a customer wanting to crush rock on pipeline projects.
We have worked tirelessly for nearly two years to introduce this equipment to North America.
Now it is time to fly home . . . and get back on Orange.


  1. "...worked tirelessly for nearly two years, " You mean, of course, after you got your four+ hour daily training ride in? :)


    ps We four shall represent a collective force for all that is Good & Just at this April's Trans-Iowa

  2. You should run one of them things thru Piedmont so it ain't so bumpy for us old guys.

  3. I will simply refer to you as the crusher now.
