"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered." G.K. Chesterton

Thursday, January 14, 2010


After reading recent posts by 1) Kershaw 2) Buffington and 3) C"Pugsley"Farrow, I realize I have it all wrong . . . I rarely bother to reflect, review or remember (I'm too old for that).
With that said, a brief litany of 2009:

1) Riding after earning that yellow wrist band the hard way in late 2008.  (I hope none of you earn one.)
2) Riding with many, many individuals and groups over the course of the year.
3) Ah yes . . . time at the Mocha Moose.
4) Not the finish . . . but the start of the Heck of the North.  I had not been to any start line since 1985.  What a gas . . . a big Thank You to Mr Jeremy Kershaw!
5) Those epic rides during October and December with the aptly named "Instigators"
6) How many miles?  I won't answer this one.  However for those few who know, and were paying attention:  Yup, I got there.
7) Realizing you really "only need one" (road = 46X16, even while climbing)
8) The biggest "yeeha of 2009"  On 21 November, then again on 29 November, at the culmination of rides exceeding 100 miles (170km), going toe to toe, nose to nose, face to   face . . . yes mano y mano with a well known local rider whose surname gets longer when abbreviated, locked in a full on, full out effort from the Lake to the top of Hawk Ridge . . . to be pipped at the end!  
Why you may ask is my biggest moment of 2009 a surrender  . .  . a defeat . . . dishonor.  Because in some perverse way, I know it is the only time I am at 100%.

2010 shall bring:
1) AGRS . . . can't wait to start.  Thanks Chris, Jeremy and others.
2) More time on the mtn bike.  Gotta learn how to do that better, humbling at best.
3) I have asked Whitey to find me a bike (with more than one gear, can I handle that?)
4) More of 2009, and never . . . ever looking back.
5) Another finger of rum for all . . . 

The post I was going to write:
Endomorph II

  Ran into Gus riding a Pugsley on Saturday.  First time I've really followed and watched one! What a joy to behold . . . dancing graciously across the snow. (At this juncture, many authors would indite something about "a saline solution welling from the corners of my eyes."  I will resist the temptation)
  Thanks to Gus for pointing out the mysterious brick structure across the Lester River.  I wonder what it was?

  It was great to see three other riders out on the trail!                                       

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