"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered." G.K. Chesterton

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Avarice at Amity Continued and Concluded!

You may recall my encounter with Big Blue several weeks ago, and my conversation with an unnamed Pugsley rider of dubious renown (in no way associated with a group loosely known as "DBD")
You may also recall my extensive research of MN Statutes, and my conclusion that we are indeed entitled to ride on Grant in Aid trails to our heart's content.
Not being 100% assured, ensured or insured . . . I chose to pursue the question/issue a bit further.
I had an opportunity to speak with three of Duluth's finest.  As expected they were not really too sure, but thought we are well within our rights. (they all expressed shock at the actions of Big Blue).
Still not satisfied I thought who better than a snowmobile riding game warden, a member of our very own MN DNR to answer my query.
Before I gave voice to my question, I prefaced it by asking him not to pretend to know, to only answer if he was 100% certain.  As to not insult the gun toting officer I thought it best to inform him that I do not expect any peace officer to know all of the laws of our fine land (I mean that, how could anyone?).
He smiled at me, and affirmed our right to ride!  Grant in Aid trails are indeed open to all (unless posted differently of course).

Further, and of his own accord, he told me we are not required to purchase a "sticker."  As it happens, Grant in Aid trails are not funded solely by the purchase of state trail snowmobile stickers.
Bottom line:  Fear not young rider . . . ride to your heart's content, But ride with grace, humility and concern for others on the trail.


  1. Excellent news...thanks for researching this so thoroughly. I've often wondered about this issue since I ride so many of these trails on my Pugsley. I know it won't prevent a potential run in like you had, but I can be confident I'm in the right.

    Good advice at the end of your post.

  2. This is good to know, for I will be using such a trail in the Heck again. A+

  3. Well Done and GOOD luck in Iowa...Tell Ben Shockey I said, Hi Ben Shockey!!!
